Oncology Program
Admissions requirements
Students who apply for entrance into the Interdisciplinary Oncology Program must have completed a BA, BSc, MA, MSc, MD or hold an equivalent degree from a recognized institution.
To be accepted into the Program, prospective students must satisfy both the general requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies of UBC and the specific requirements of the Interdisciplinary Oncology Program Advisory Committee. Those requirements generally include a first class standing in 3rd and 4th year courses, a good command of the English language (see TOEFL score requirements) and an academic background which has adequately prepared the student for required oncology courses. Please click here to apply online through the EducationPlannerBC portal.
Finally, to gain full admission to the Program, students must secure a written commitment from an IOP faculty member to become the student's research supervisor. This commitment must include both the provision of an appropriate training program and a student stipend. In May of 2024, the minimum stipend for an IOP student was increased to $30,000 CDN per year.
It is strongly recommended that students contact prospective supervisors prior to submitting an on-line application to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. If you have found a supervisor who is not on the list, please email the IOP Program Coordinator to find out if that individual is eligible to supervise for the Interdisciplinary Oncology Program.
When considering a student's application
the Faculty of Graduate Studies ensures the student meets the minimum academic requirements of the University,
the Advisory Committee ensures that the student has the appropriate background for the graduate program and
the research supervisor ensures that the student's research interests and background match well with those of his/her lab.
If these three levels of requirements are not met, the student cannot be admitted into the program.
STUDENT STIPENDS: (Effective since May 2024)
$30,000/year is the minimum stipend to be provided to each IOP student by his or her graduate supervisor as of May 1, 2024. Internal IOP awards cannot be counted toward the $30,000 minimum stipend.
If an IOP student receives a scholarship/fellowship award from a source outside of IOP, it is highly recommended that the supervisor top up the value of the award by 20%-25%. This is in addition to ensuring the student is receiving a minimum of $30,000. For example, if a student receives a scholarship worth $18,000/year, the supervisor must provide $12,000/year to bring the total student remuneration up to $30,000/year. The supervisor should also provide the student with an additional top up of $3,600-$4,500/year for the duration of the award ($18,000 x 25% = $4500).
The maximum funding that a student can receive is $50,000/year from any source.
Information regarding Faculty of Graduate Studies admission requirements, financial aid, housing, etc. can be found on the Grad Studies web site. If you require additional information regarding the Interdisciplinary Oncology Program please contact the Interdisciplinary Oncology Program Coordinator, Sharon Ruschkowski, Genome Sciences Centre, 100-570 west 7th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4S6 CANADA Tel: 604-707-5803; Email: sharonr@bcgsc.ca