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Course requirements

All students entering the Program will enroll in two core courses, Oncology 502 and Oncology 510. Students will also take electives chosen from courses offered by other programs at UBC. The electives to be chosen will be determined by the student in consultation with his/her research supervisor and approved by the student's Supervisory Committee. The combination of core and elective courses is designed to provide students with a broad, interdisciplinary perspective on oncology research, while allowing intensive academic training in the student's chosen field of specialization. 

A minimum of 18 credits of course work is for a MSc degree, plus a 12 credit thesis (Oncology 549) for a total of 30 credits. 

Students entering PhD studies without a Master's degree will be required to take 18 credits of courses (the same as MSc students) plus a thesis (Oncology 649 - 0 credits). 

Students entering PhD studies with a Master's degree will take the two core courses as well as any other courses recommended by their Supervisory Committee, plus a thesis (Oncology 649 - 0 credits). Given the interdisciplinary nature of the Program, it is expected that supervisors will require their students to take 3 or 4 courses to prepare them adequately for the comprehensive exam. 

Interdisciplinary Oncology Program

Faculty of Medicine

100-570 West 7th Avenue
Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 4S6


© 2017 by Kent Chen, Louis-Alexandre Fournier, Ada Leung, Michelle Pewarchuk and Cathy Cozma. Proudly created with

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